'Climbing W. E. Chaplin' rose References
Book (1952) Page(s) 53. Dr. A. S. Thomas. Red Roses. Climbing W. E. Chaplin produces a mass of beautiful colour but does not flower very freely again after its Spring flush of bloom; some of its vivid crimson roses are marred by split centres and it mildews a little...
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 53. Climbing Section Climbing W. E. Chaplin... A fixed Sport from the Hybrid Tea variety "W. E. Chaplin". Introduced 1935.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 43. New Roses 1937. Clb. W. E. Chaplin. (Clb. HT. Heizman 1935) 6. A strong climbing sport from the dwarf variety with the same crimson high quality blooms. Foliage very liable to mildew. Suitable for exhibition mainly.
Book (1937) Page(s) 274. Climbing W. E. Chaplin CHT. (E. Heizmann, 1936.) Vigorous climbing sport of W. E. Chaplin.
Book (1937) Page(s) 19. p19. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1937. There are several imported climbers, including Clb. W. F. Chaplin.
p118. Mr. S. R. Bird, N.Z. Some Auckland Rose Notes. Climbing W. E. Chaplin shows very strong growth, quite as strong as Clb. Souv. de Mme. Boullet, and should be one of the most effective red climbers obtainable.
Website/Catalog (1937) Page(s) 35. New Roses 1937. Clb. W. E. Chaplin. (Clb. HT. Heizman 1935) A fixed sport from the Hybrid Tea variety ‘W. E. Chaplin’, producing flowers of carmine crimson. Any grower satisfied with the bush form will be satisfied with this sport. 4/- each. Not flowered yet