'Double Crimson' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 86. Double Crimson Small semi-double, petals deep rich crimson without marbling, backs lighter. Smaller petals in centre. Late. This I have not seen, but crimson sounds, a little surprising in this group.
Book (1839) Page(s) 217. ROSACEÆ. Garden Varieties I. spinosissima. 43 double crimson
Book (1832) Page(s) 568. The following are the names of the Garden varieties of the Scotch Rose. Double Scotch Roses. double crimson.
Magazine (1822) Page(s) 301. Descriptions and Account of the Varieties of Double Scotch Roses, cultivated in the Gardens of England. By Joseph Sabine, Esq. F. R. S. &c. Secretary. Read November 7th, 1820. The Double Crimson. I found this in Mr. William Malcolm's nursery at Kensington mixed with another variety. Its peduncles are fine, moderately long, and smooth; the germen is semi-globose, and the sepals long; the bud is of a dark brown red; the flower is small and semi-double, having a few smaller petals in the centre; the inside of the petals is of a deep rich crimson, without marbling; the backs are not so brilliant, but have the veins perceptible. The flower is very rich and handsome, and except that it is not marbled, has a strong affinity to the Dark Marbled. The fruits are small, few, black, and globose. It is late in coming into blossom.