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"Old Farm Tea Room Wall, Albany" rose References
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 15. Vol 42, No. 4.  Includes photo(s).
Visit to Tiffany Bignold's Garden. 
Tiffany also has Alister Clark’s ......and Milkmaid (1925). Milkmaid [1],  planted to climb up and hide a tall tree stump, has decided instead to become a ground cover, putting down roots as she spreads, and defiantly refusing to climb. I’ve taken home a cutting and will be interested to find if I can encourage Milkmaid to gain a bit of elevation.

p16.  Photo. Milkmaid on a screen. Photo: Gail Yellowley (p. 52). [Ed: there is one which may be incorrect, in circulation.]

p17.  1. Description of Milkmaid from “Noisette. White, cream shading, buff shading. Light yellow buds, open creamy white and fading to milk white. Mild to strong fragrance. Small to medium, semi-double (9-16 petals), in small clusters bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer. Height of 3-7m. Width of 2-4m."
Magazine  (Sep 2013)  Page(s) 31. Vol 35, Mo. 3.  Includes photo(s).
'Mikmaid'. H.T. Mattock. 
Descriptions of the 'Milkmaid' specimens at the Alister Clark garden in Bulla, and at the Victoria State Rose Garden.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 90.  
‘Milkmaid’ (Clark, 1925; introduced by Brundrett, 1925).
Magazine  (2003)  Page(s) 15. Vol 25, No. 4.  
Front & Back cover photos. [Two different Roses]
Peter Cox? Milkmaid. Noisette by Alister Clark 1925, a Crepuscule seedling. This rose is spring flowering, although if the hips are removed it will sometimes give an autumn flush. Australian Rose description: Globular yellow bud. Semi-double, late spring flowers, creamy white to yolk yellow, opening flat, with golden stamens, in clusters, deep green foliage, small leaflets, ovoid orange hips, flower – 30 petals. 75 mm across, clusters 1 to 4, climber 5m x 4m. The rose is also mentioned in Climbing Roses of the World by Charles Quest-Ritson (see review this journal). He claims that the rose was introduced by Brundrett 1925 and goes on to say: “Reputedly a fairly inferior ‘Crepuscule’ seedling. The flowers are small (5cm ), semi-double, and borne in medium-sized clusters. Their colour is cream at first with a hint of buff within, which soon fades to white. It has a delicious scent – part musky, part sweet – and is very attractive to bees. The leaves are dark and the slender stems reddish on their sunny sides. The plant is very vigorous and grows to 6-7m”. Perhaps Quest-Ritson viewed an inferior plant when he visited Australia for the Victoria Rose Society centenary a few years ago – this accounting for the small semi-double flowers. If Alister Clark had tried a back cross of his seedling he could well have had a repeat-flowering winning rose, but we will never know. This is a rose well worth growing for both the flower display and the late summer display of orange rose hips. The rose was photographed in the charming garden of Margaret Robinson at Orange NSW in spring 2002
Footnote: The first garden that our bus group at the Hay conference visited on Sunday morning 2nd November was that of Jeni Japp on the south bank of the Murrumbidgee River at the edge of town. This is a charming garden with many well grown 20th century roses. There was one rose that intrigued both me and many of the visitors. The mature flower was not unlike Mermaid [later corrected – he meant to write Milkmaid] but the bud and opening flower were a strong yellow, not unlike a rose that I had seen many times before flowering in the Old Farm garden at Albany WA that may still be labelled Milkmaid Clark, 1925. When John Niewesteeg came by, his opinion was canvassed. “Milkmaid. That’s the Milkmaid that I grow.” Was his reply. There is a rather poor photo of this rose on the back cover of the journal as an insert. The plant of my Milkmaid came from budwood supplied by David Ruston in the mid 80s and I have seen many examples of this rose in gardens in various States, including the subject at Orange. This begs the question ‘Are there two forms of Milkmaid?’ Perhaps Alister inadvertently released two forms of the rose, or perhaps one of the forms was found growing at Glenara following his death and was taken and released, or perhaps one of the forms is a sport from the original – who knows? So we have two forms of the rose.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 35.  Includes photo(s).
‘Milkmaid’ Noisette – An Australian Alister Clark rose from 1925, it is not available elsewhere. Once-flowering, fragrant (‘Crepuscule’ x seedling). Zones 7-11
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 84.  
Susan Irvine ‘Gardening with Heritage Roses’. … and several of Alister Clark’s ramblers which suit our climate so well – pale pink ‘Gladsome’, ‘Cherub’ and the incredibly vigorous ‘Milkmaid’, bred from the deservedly popular ‘Crepuscule’. Her dark glossy green foliage is attractive and dense and in spring she is literally covered with cream-white blooms the colour of which gave her name. Fifty years after Alister Clark’s death, fifty years of almost complete neglect, she still clothes the fences in his romantic garden at Glenara.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 27.  
Sophie Adamson, Moorooduc,. Victoria: Milkmaid has very different attributes. It needs care in its planting since it is very vigorous and thorny. I have it scrambling over a hedge so I am not troubled by this, nor by the need for frequent pruning. The soft yellow buds open to creamy blooms. Like the other two roses, it receives minimal attention, yet each spring I am grateful that I chose to plant it so that it is the first rose I see when I wake in the morning.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 10.  Includes photo(s).
Milkmaid – 1925. Crepuscule cross. Noisette Climbing rose. Globular yellow bud. Semi-double, late spring flowers, creamy white to yolk yellow, opening flat, with golden yellow stamens, in clusters. Deep green foliage, small leaflets. Ovoid orange hips. Flower 30 petals, 75mm, 1 to 4. Climber 5m to 4m.
Magazine  (1999)  Page(s) 38. Vol 21, No. 2.  
Trish Todd, Nowra, NSW: I also enjoy Alister Clark’s Milkmaid, climbing over the pergola. It has a lovely weeping habit, flowering once with a full flush of pale creamy yellow open blooms which eventually produce many plum coloured hips.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 61.  
Milkmaid. Clark, Australia 1925. Noisette. Fawn/white. (Available from: Cottage, Country Farm, Duncan, Evans, Gardeners, Golden Vale, Hedgerow, Hilltop, Honeysuckle, John’s World, Lyn Park, Melville, Merri, Minirose, Mistydown, Nieuwesteeg, Reliable, Rose Arbour, Roseraie, Roses Galore, Sevton, Spring Park, Stoneacres, Stonemans.
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