'Gold/Red' rose References
Book (1982) Page(s) 41. E. F. Allen. Awards to Rose Seedlings in Great Britain in 1981. Trial Ground Certificate. 'MACgolred'. (parentage not revealed), a very pretty Floribunda, by Sam McGredy, with scentless flowers of a yellow and cherry blend. It was in an exposed position at the west end of a bed.
Book (1982) Page(s) 142. Trial Ground Awards, 1981. Trial Ground Certificate. 'MACgolred'. Cluster Flowered (Flor). Sam McGredy Roses International, New Zealand. Distributor John Mattock Ltd., Oxford. Trial Ground No. 3998. Bloom yellow edged carmine, moderately full, 17 petals, borne in trusses. Growth vigorous and upright, 4ft. Foliage semi-glossy, medium green.