'Hans Heysen' rose References
Book (2017) Page(s) 102. Includes photo(s). Andrew Ross, SA. My Top Australian Bred Roses. Hans Heysen A new variety yet to be fully appreciated by rose lovers. With charming "old style" blooms together with the sweetest damask-rose perfume will surpass many currently on the market. Bred from 'Pierre de Ronsard' (Eden Rose) and surprisingly is a low growing bush less than 1m tall. It has healthy glossy foliage with the flowers produced in masses all over the bush. Also makes a most attractive standard which is very popular with new garden designs. Bred by George Thomson.
Book (2015) Page(s) 55. Laurie Newman. Rose Registrations for 2014. Hans Heysen syn. TOMret. S. p. George Thomson. ('Restless' x 'Ellen Poulsen') x 'Pierre de Ronsard'. Registered Oct 9, 2013.
Newsletter (2014) Page(s) 21. Includes photo(s). Summer edition.
George Thomson's....most recent introductions for 2014 were Hans Heysen and ....