'Grandchild' rose References
Website/Catalog (5 Feb 2014) Registered Name: 'Grandchild' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Grandchild Min, mp, 1987, Garelja, Anita; flowers clear, medium pink, small, 40 petals, high-centered, borne 3-15 per cluster, moderate, sweet fragrance; foliage long, narrow, dense, reddish to medium green; prickles hooked, gray-brown; bushy, shrub-like, tall growth. [(Cécile Brunner × unknown) × (Cécile Brunner × unknown)]
Newsletter (Jul 1998) Page(s) 34. Vol 19, No.3. Jill Hughes, Littleroses Gardens & Nursery: A plant was given to me by Anita Garelja from Oratia, who was a fellow delegate to the second Heritage Roses Conference in Adelaide in 1986. She was a lovely lady who was most generous with both her knowledge and her plants. She told me that Grandchild was a second generation cross from 'Cecile Brunner', hence the name. The plant has slightly smaller blooms and only grows to about 80cm. My plant which is now 11 years old, blooms continually in large sprays, often appearing to have more flowers than leaves. It strikes reasonably well, but takes a while to make a reasonable bush.
Newsletter (1998) Page(s) 30. Vol 19, No. 2. Betty Maddock: 'Grandchild'. In reply to Judith Neilson's letter in the March journal it was Anita Garelja who bred this lovely little rose. Anita lived at Oratia, West Auckland on a splendid apple orchard where she carried out her breeding programme. She used 'Cecile Brunner' and also a rose called 'Eye Paint' (a McGredy rose) for a lot of her seedlings. It would have been - I think - in the middle to late 1980's that 'Grandchild, shall we say was borne. She gave me one around that time.....
Book (Nov 1997) Includes photo(s). p61. 'Grandchild' [in a listing of] Roses for Small Gardens.
p103. Photo. 'Grandchild'.