'Rotanger' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 626. Rotanger (Noisette) ? ? ; whitish pink, medium size, double, short habit, 40 cm.
Book (1899) Page(s) 158. Rotanger, Noisette, blanc rosé
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 118. Noisette. Rortanger, pinkish white, medium size, double, short habit.
Book (1858) Page(s) 259. Rosa indica Noisettiana. Noisette-Rose. Rotanger, Blumen mittelgroß, gefüllt, rosa-weiß; Wuchs niedrig.
Translation: The Noisette Rose. Rotanger, The medium-sized, rosy-white bloom is double; dwarf growth habit.
Rosa indica Noisettiana. Noisette-Rose. Rottinger, Blumen mittelgroß, Füllung und Bau gut, baßrosa.
Translation: The Noisette Rose. Rottinger, the medium-sized, light pink flower has good form and substance.
Book (1854) Page(s) 274-275. Translation: Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...3) Noisettes: ...Rothanger...
Website/Catalog (1848) Page(s) 81. Rosiers Noisettes à rameaux courts, formant de petits buissons. Rotanger. Blanc carné.
Website/Catalog (1847) Page(s) 81. Rosiers Noisettes. § 2. Variétés à rameaux courts, formant de petits buissons. Rotanger, fleur moyenne, pleine, blanc carné...1 fr.
Website/Catalog (1844) Page(s) 68. Noisette Roses. Rotanger, waxy blush, dwarf
Website/Catalog (1843) Page(s) 41. China or Everblooming Roses. Noisette Roses. The common Noisette or Champney Rose is the type of this class. Great rapidity of growth, and a perpetual succession of small flowers borne in large clusters, are characteristic of the Noisettes. Although not really climbers, yet the luxuriance of many of the sorts renders them highly suitable for training to pillars, in which manner they appear to the greatest advantage. Rottanger, delicate rose coloured, small flowers.
Book (1842) Page(s) 279. Varieties of the Noisette-Rose...with pink and flesh-coloured, purple-reddish and lilac-coloured blooms...Rotanger, carmine