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'Lahar' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 169-697
most recent 5 JAN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 JAN by Inde
Probably one of the best candidates of the floribunda group. This rose is also an excellent variety bred in India by the IARI. I have been growing this since 2010 or earlier. It's flowers are yellow, the petals have red tinged tips at the bud stage. Once the flower opens the petals start as a clear yellow, with edges ranging from cream to pink to a deep reddish pink. The intensity of redness depends on the intensity of exposure to the sun during the flowering season. This variety is extremely hardy and disease resistant in dry tropical and sub-tropical climate. The flowers range from 3" to 4" during our flowering season.
As with most roses, the flowering reduces in number, frequency and size during the unfavourable heat of summer. The foliage can be a deep copper/ bronze shade over green. This is a very resilient and disease free rose. The flowers hold their shape very well even in unfavourable weather, reducing only in size. The growth is somewhat erect and neat.
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