'Chitralekha' rose References
Book (2009) Page(s) 633. Appendix III Varieties of Ornamental Plants Released for Growing - Rose IARI (Hybrid Teas) 7. Chitralekha
Book (1974) Page(s) 146. New Roses of the World Chitralekha HT (IIIA) o-r (I.A.R.I. '72) 'Montezuma' x 'Baccara'. Large, long pointed buds. Large, high-centered, double, ruby-red to signal-red blooms borne singly on long, strong stems. Very good lasting quality. Petals hang on. Slight tea fragrance. Normal green, soft, medium-sized foliage. Vigorous, 65-cm. growth. Bushy. Open habit. Free, intermittent blooming. IND. .