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'Mother & Daughter™' rose References
Website/Catalog  (27 Feb 2015)  Includes photo(s).

New Release 2011 Mother & Daughter™
Mother and daughter rose is available from leading garden centres and Bunnings stores. Mother & Daughter™ rose was found as a seedling at Rankins Roses some 7 years ago. We grew the rose on and have watched it grow, flower and perform exceptionally well over this time. We see new roses every year but few can tick all the boxes like Mother & Daughter™. Fragrance, Beautiful bright color, Good cut flower on single stems, Terrific hardy and tidy growing plant. In association with Melissa King and donations being made to Motor Neurone Disease for research Rankins Roses are proud to release this outstanding rose. I think Mother & Daughter™ will be grown for decades to come -Lloyd Rankin.
Tall elegant stems with an extremely long neck to support large single blooms. Huge soft-sulphur yellow double blooms open to a mass of petals in a quartered old-world shape. Perfume, a must in a rose and Mother & Daughter™ has this in abundance! Soft rose, citrus and fruit fragrances make a refreshing and sweet perfume. A wonderful scent. An excellent cut flower. This rose has long sturdy stems and flowers last 5 to 6 days in a vase. Hardy and disease tolerant Mother & Daughter™ has thick leathery leaves, very resistant to both black spot and mildew. A vigorous strong grower that performs very well in any sunny position. Flowers late October to late May repeatedly. Grows approx 1.25m H x 1.0m W. A portion of each sale shall be donated to M.N.D. Motor Neurone Disease research to help fund research to find a cure for this dreadful disease.
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