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'Attfield's Stella Rose' References
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 11.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2017-2018 Season.  Hybrid Teas.
Attfield’s Stella Rose Attbricam.....
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 50.  Includes photo(s).

Doug Grant, Final Analysis for 2017-2018. 
Attfield's Stella Rose. Variety Denomination: Attbricam.  Breeder Attfield 2012. Type Hybrid Tea   Parentage: Colleen x Joan Monica.  Plants 23. Reports 21. Height Medium to Tall. Garden 6.2.  Exhibition 6.7. Health 6.1 (good)​  Fragrance 2.6 (slight). This Hybrid Tea variety has cream blooms with a pink edge. The blooms have great form and colour and it look[s] good in a vase. Sometimes and in some locations growth can struggle, it can be slow to repeat and may have black spot issues. Overall an exhibitor's rose rather than a garden rose.

Magazine  (2018)  Page(s) 13.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2016-2017 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Attfield’s Stella Rose .....
Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) 13.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2015-2016 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Attfields Stella Rose.....
Magazine  (2015)  Includes photo(s).

p13.  Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2014-2015 Season. 
Attfields Stella Rose  Garden: 6.3. Exhibition: 6.3.  Health: 6.7. Fragrance: 1.8. Height: Medium to Tall. Availability: Roach’s Nurseries Ltd.  
Northland: Growing well. Waikato: Very tall, full flowers of exhibition form but late to flower. Good nice shaped blooms, healthy.

p41.  Roach’s Nurseries Ltd.  advertisement. 
Attfield’s Stella Rose Attbricam 

Magazine  (2014)  Includes photo(s).
p12. Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2013-2014 Season. Hybrid Teas.
Attfield's Stella Rose Breeders code: Attbricam. Breeder: Attfield 2012. Palentage: 'Colleen' x 'Joan Monica'. Garden 6.8. Exhibition 6.8. Health 6.8. Fragrance 2.5. Height: medium to tall. Availability: Roach's Nurseries Ltd. Waikato: Late bloomer, reasonable exhibition form, a bit slow to repeat. Matamata: Taken two years for good blooms, delicate colour, lovely centres.

p23. Roach's Nurseries Ltd. advertisement.
Attfield's Stella Rose (Attbricam). Large well shaped blooms of creamy white with soft pink edges. Tall grower.
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