'Attfield's Babe' rose References
Magazine (2020) Page(s) 11. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2018-2019 Season. Hybrid Teas. Attfield’s Babe Attrangtot.....
Magazine (2019) Page(s) 11. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses for the 2017-2018 Season. Hybrid Teas. Attfield’s Babe Attrangtot.....
Magazine (2018) Page(s) 13. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses For The 2016-2017 Season. Hybrid Teas. Attfield’s Babe.....
Magazine (2016) Page(s) 12. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses For The 2015-2016 Season. Hybrid Teas. Attfields Babe.....
Magazine (2015) Includes photo(s). p12. Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2014-2015 Season. Attfields Babe Breeders code: Attrangtot​. Breeder: Attfield. Parentage: Delightful Lady x Aotearoa. Garden: 6.1. Exhibition: 6.9. Health: 5.9. Fragrance: 3.0. Height: Medium to Tall. Availability: Roach’s Nurseries Ltd. Northland: Tall growing bush, no health problems, always in flower. Waikato: Second year plant, disappointing plant, not growing well. Waikato: Lovely form, good repeater, good strong foliage. Bay of Plenty: Plenty of flowers. South Canterbury: First season, good variety.
p41. Roach’s Nurseries Ltd. advertisement. Attfield’s Babe Attrangtot.
Magazine (2014) Page(s) 23. Includes photo(s). Roach's Nurseries Ltd. advertisement. Attfield's Babe (Attrangtot). Pink buds open to white blended pink blooms of good form, ideal for picking. Medium grower.