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'Madame Berkeley' rose References
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 50.  
Mme Berkeley Tea. Bernaix fils, 1898. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 31.  
Mme. Berkeley..... 3 x 3’.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 70.  
Berkeley, Mme. (tea) Bernaix 1899; salmon, center pink, outer petals pale violet, reverse washed lilac-pink, large, semi-double, autumn-bloomer, very long buds, growth 5/10.
Book  (1922)  Page(s) 402.  
[in the listing of roses in commerce] Madame Berkeley (T.) Bernaix 1898 - Flower salmon white with rosy centre, very large, moderately full, long bud. Growth moderate.
Book  (1910)  Page(s) 55-6.  
Walter Easlea, Hybridisation of Roses The Rose Annual 1910
A few good seed bearing kinds are Antoine Rivoire, Mme Abel Chatenay, Parisaer, Joseph Hill, Frau Karl Druschki, Mme Edmee Metz, Mme Ravary, Paul lede, Le Progres, Gustav Grunerwald, Laurent Carle, Killarney, Earl of Warwick, Caroline Testout, White Lady, K.A. Victoria, Mme Lambard, Souv. De William Robinson, Richmond, Mme Melanie Soupert, Warrior, Mme Gamon, Captain Hayward, Mrs J. Laing, Mme Jean Dupuy, Betty, General McArthur, G. Nabonnand, Farben Koenigin, Lady Battersea, Etoile du France, Mme Hoste, Corallina, White Lady, Lady Roberts, Lady Mary Fitzwiliam, Prince de Bulgarie, Instituteur Sirdey, Marie Van Houtte, Countess of Caledon, Mme Segond Weber, Dr Grill, Marquise Litta, Mme Berkeley, President, Souvenir d’un Ami, Beryl, Souv de Pierre Notting etc. From all of these I have obtained good seed after crossing with various varieties.
Magazine  (1907)  Page(s) 139.  
Madame Berkeley (Bernaix 98), chair saumoné centre lavé rose pâle.
Magazine  (1907)  Page(s) 55.  
Mme. Berkeley, weisslich gelb, grosse halbgefüllte Blumen mit grossem grünem Laub.

Autumn Flowerers.
Mme. Berkeley, whitish-yellow, large semi-double flowers with large green foliage.
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 31.  
Madame Berkeley (Bernaix 1899) salmon-coloured, centre pink
Magazine  (1906)  
p24. Arthur R. Goodwin: I should employ Mme. Berkeley, remembering its fine erect habit, bold leafage, grand autumnal effect, and freedom from the mildew scourge.
.....In order to secure the best effects of colour and habit of growth I should suggest that the beds in the plan be planted with the varieties in the order given below : 1, G. Nabonnand ; 2. Préfet Monteil ; 3, Mme. Jean Dupuy ; 4. Princesse de Sagan ; 5, Hon. E. Gifford ; 6, Mme. Berkeley ; 7, Marie Van Houtte : 8, Anna Olivier ; 9, Corallina ; 10, Dr. Grill; 11, Mme. Lombard ; 12, Comtesse Festetics Hamilton.

p54 I find that I have omitted Tea Mme Berkeley [from his list of fragrant roses] but it should most certainly be included.
[Other roses listed by Mr Goodwin as especially fragrant are: Gustav Grunerwald, Mme de St Joseph, Souvenir de Gabrielle Drevet, Papa Lambert, Farbenkonigin, Charlotte Gillemot, Princess Bonnie, Johanna Sebus, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Rose a Parfum de l'Hay and Zephyrine Drouhin.]
Magazine  (30 Sep 1905)  Page(s) 212.  
Some Good Roses
The true Teas hold their own as our best autumnals, for where is there anything to touch Marie van Houtte in splendour at this season of the year.  Then how glowing are General Schablikine, Albert Stopford and Comtesse Festetics Hamilton, the delicate-tinted Mme. Berkeley, Mme. Antoine Mari, Enchantress, or Sulphurea!
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