'Edwin Lonsdale' rose References
Book (2007) Page(s) 204. Edwin Lonsdale (Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas, 1903) W. R. wichuraiana x 'Safrano' (T). Brt. whitish orange.
Book (1936) Page(s) 426. Lonsdale, Edwin (hybrid wichurana) Hoopes & Thomas 1900; R. Wich. X Safrano; vivid whitish orange with lemon-yellow, fades to white, 5 cm., well double, cluster-flowered, fragrance 7/10, growth 7/19, climbing, 3 m.
Book (1922) Page(s) 173. "Official List of Roses Introduced in America" Compiled by Charles E. F. Gersdorff Edwin Lonsdale, H.W. (Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas Co., 1903.) R. Wichuraiana X Safrano...
Magazine (3 Jun 1911) Page(s) 266. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Edwin Lonsdale... H.P.*, Hoopes, 1903, R. wichuraiana X Safrano
*Suspect this is an error, and H.W. (Hybrid Wichuraiana) was meant...
Book (1911) Page(s) 65. The Wichuraiana Hybrids. The following list includes most of the best Wichuraiana Roses to date (1910): Edwin Lonsdale is a pale lemon yellow Rose. It is a strong grower, and very free in habit.
Website/Catalog (1910) Page(s) 77. New and Rare Wichuriana Roses All are new Wichuriana Hybrids of American origin, hardy in all sections, and are literally Tea Roses with climbing habit and undeniable hardiness. All bloom in clusters, and we recommend our patrons to give the entire collection a trial. Edwin Lonsdale Flowers double; pale lemon-white; delicate Tea fragrance.
Book (1906) Page(s) 53. 3.503. Edwin Lonsdale, Hybride de Wichuraiana, Hoopes 1900 orangé vif blanchâtre
Website/Catalog (1904) Page(s) 13. Twelve Rare New Wichuriana Roses Now offered for the first time. All are new Wichuriana Hybrids, hardy in all sections, and are literally Tea Roses, with climbing habit and undeniable hardiness. All bloom in clusters and we recommend our patrons to give the entire collection a trial. Wherever a hardy, vigorous climbing Rose can be used they will prove exceedingly satisfactory. Edwin Lonsdale. — Flowers 2 to 3 inches in diameter, double; pale, lemon-white; delicate Tea fragrance. Charming buds.