'Rosa gallica Agatha var. Regalis' rose References
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 299. AGATHE ROYALE. This variety is from before 1811, the date when Guerrepain cites it in his Almanach. It is thus called by Vibert, while Godefroy and others name it "Bouquet parfait". It came from Holland. It was a "small, double, regular, light red or cherry, agated red" (Prévost, 1829).
Book (1988) Page(s) 44-45. Includes photo(s). A Gallica hybrid, probably with R. majalis as the other parent (R. x francofuratana) known since 1820. Description. Very similar to its sister 'Empress Josephine' but more robust with narrower stipules.
Book (1936) Page(s) 6. Agathe royale (Provins) Vibert before 1820; light pink to cherry, stained dark red, small, double. Bouquet parfait
Book (1936) Page(s) 98. Bouquet parfait (Provins) Godefroy 1817; pink, mottled red
Book (1906) Page(s) 26. 1.687. Bouquet parfait, Provins, Godefroy, rose marbré rouge
Book (1899) Page(s) 6. Agathe royale, Provins, Godefroy, 1817, rouge foncé
Website/Catalog (1889) Page(s) 16. Regalis Full and double, very fragrant, color brilliant carmine, with purple and rose shading.
Website/Catalog (1844) Page(s) 15. AGATHE. Agathe royale.
Magazine (1842) Page(s) 97. EXPOSITION de 1842. Liste des Exposans et des Objets exposés, du 29 mai au 2 juin, dans l'Orangerie du Jardin des Plantes d'Orléans. Mad. veuve LEVACHER-BRUZEAU et Fils, Horticulteurs à Orléans, maison de Lièvre d'or. Rosiers. 384 Bouquet parfait.
Website/Catalog (1842) Page(s) 28. Rosa centifolia achata regia , Königliche Agat-Rose ....8 Schilling