'Gabrielle Marfan' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 491. Morfan, Gabrielle (Bourbon) Pradel 1853; soft pink, large, double, growth 7/10.
Book (1906) Page(s) 64. 4.112 Gabrielle Morfan, Ile-Bourbon, Pradel 1853 rose tendre
Book (1885) Page(s) 332. Bourbon. Gabrielle Morfan. Pradel 1853. Arbuste vigoureux; rameaux sarmenteux; fleur grande, pleine; coloris rose tendre.
Translation: Gabrielle Morfan. Pradel 1853. A vigorous shrub; climbing canes; large, full flower is a tender pink.
Book (1880) Page(s) 52, annex. 1929. indica borbonica. Gabrielle Morfan (Pradel, 1853), Blume zartrosa, gross, voll.
Translation: bourbon. Gabrielle Morfan (Pradel, 1853), flower is a tender rose color, large and full.
Book (1860) Page(s) 230. De Bourbon Roos. Gabrièle Morfan, bl. gr., vol, zacht rooskl. Pradel, 1853.
Translation: The Bourbon Rose. Gabrièle Morfan, large, full flower is a tender rose color. Pradel. 1853.
Book (1858) Page(s) 236. Rosa indica borbonia Hort. Bourbon-Rose. Gabriele Morfan (Pradel, 1853), Blumen groß. voll, zart rosafarben.
Translation: Bourbon Rose. Gabriele Morfan (Pradel, 1853), Large, full flower is a tender rose color.
Magazine (Nov 1856) Page(s) 248. REVUE DES ROSES DE 1853. Rosiers Ile Bourbon. Les variétés Agar, Edwin Fuller et Fléchier (Robert); Athanase Coquerel, Gabriel Marfan, Marie et Pères de Clermont (Pradel), Colbert, Palmyre, Robert Giscar et Sœur Agathe (Lartay), Clitus et Guillaume Tell (Bernède), sont restées inconnues.
Book (1855) Page(s) 379. Die Bourbonrose. Neuere und neueste Sorten: 180) Gabrièle Morfan, Blumen zart rosenfarben, groß, voll. Gezogen von Pradel, eingeführt 1853.
Translation: The Bourbon Rose. Newer Varieties. 180) Gabrièle Morfan, large, full flower is a tender rose color. Raised by Pradel, introduced in 1853.
Book (1854) Page(s) 275-277. Translation: Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...4) Ile Bourbon roses: ...Gabrielle Marfan...
Magazine (1 Nov 1853) Page(s) 244. Roses Nouvelles On annonce, en outre, les Rosiers suivants, mais ils nous sont inconnus : Par MM. PRADEL, horticulteurs, à Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne): Ile-Bourbon. 22o Gabriel Marfan, grande, rose tendre passant au rose, maculée rouge; belle tenue.