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The Friends of Vintage Roses, Sebastopol, CA
Uploaded 31 JAN 24 |
Rose photo courtesy of Elen
Moscow, Russia, 2016
Uploaded 29 JAN 17 |
A lightly fragrant bouquet of Blue Mist, which lasted quite long as a cut flower.
Uploaded 23 MAY 23 |
Rose photo courtesy of Elen
Moscow, Russia, 2016
Uploaded 29 JAN 17 |
Uploaded 29 NOV 21 |
Rose photo courtesy of Elen
Moscow, Russia
Uploaded 10 DEC 15 |
Rose photo courtesy of Elen
Moscow, Russia, 2016
Uploaded 13 FEB 17 |
This plant had become very twiggy after four summers. In the fall of 2013 I cut the plant to about 8-10 inches overall. Many new basals grew and it is covered with buds the end of May, 2014.
Uploaded 30 MAY 14 |
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