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'Afghan Yellow' rose References
Article (misc)  (Jun 2007)  
R. ecaethe typical golden rose of Afghanistan, .... extends into Kashmir and Ladakh. This is a wiry bush with flowers of a most attractive shade of bright yellow.
Book  (Nov 1998)  Page(s) 12.  
R. ecae Native to Afghanistan. Flowers: look like buttercups... "tender"...[questionable characterization, since it grew and flowered outside Boston in the Arnold Arboretum and was found growing at 6000-7000 foot altitude in Afghanistan.]
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 119.  Includes photo(s).
R. ecae Afghanistan 1880. A small, very prickly shrub with reddish-brown twigs and small, fern-like leaves. Numerous buttercup-size flowers of deep, rich yellow with pronounced stamens...
Article (magazine)  (1988)  Page(s) 24-25.  
...The highest Yellow values are found in R. ecae and R. foetida. Their almost spectrally pure Yellow is not yet attained by any hybrid...

[Colour description according to the CIELAB colour space (petal inside): L* = Lightness, a* = red-green axis, b* = yellow-blue axis]
Rosa ecae (light yellow), L* 84, a* -5 to -4, b* 101-102
Article (magazine)  (1988)  Page(s) 63.  
Very similar [to that of R. foetida] are our findings for .....R. ecae (155 mg% carotenoids, 91% epoxydes with also a lot of Violaxanthine).
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 16.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa ecae Aitch. (R. xanthina var. ecae (Aitch.) Boul.) A much-branched, suckering shrub growing to 1.5 m in the wild and 2.5 m in cultivation, with straight, flattened thorns. Branches often crooked, very thorny. Leaflets 7-9, up to 5 mm long, obovate or oblanceolate to broadly elliptic, glandular. Stipules very narrow with diverging auricles. Petals often not overlapping; flowers 20-30 mm across. Hips 5-7 mm long, red brown, sepals patent. ...Introduced in cultivation by Surgeon-Major Aitchison in 1880..
Website/Catalog  (1986)  Page(s) 33.  
Rosa ecae.....(Temporarily out of stock).
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 40.  
Rosa ecae..... 3 x 4’.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 32.  
Rosa ecae  An upright plant of reddish-brown twigs and small dark green leaves with small, deep yellow flowers. Needs special care when it can be spectacular. 1880. Shade tolerant.  (S) 5 x 4.  
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 253.  
R. ecae Aitchis. Shrub, up to 1 m./3.3 ft high, densely branched, branches very prickly; leaflets 5-9, mostly obovate, only 4-8 mm./0.16-0.31 in. long, serrate, glandular beneath; flowers solitary, intensely yellow, 2 cm./o.8 in. across, May-June; with short, brown pedicels; fruits globose, pea-sized, red, glistening, with persisting, reflexed sepals. 2n=14. Afghanistan, Turkestan, 1880. Introduced by Dr. Aitchison, who combined the name "ecae" from the initials of his wife, E.C.A.
[in the description of Rosa primula]
Always confused with R. ecae, but well distinguished by its paler flowers and red-brown fruits.
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