"Jane Vaughan" rose Reviews & Comments
I'm told the Long Garden has both Papa Hemeray and "Jane Vaughan", which are different.
Glennis tells me there is no Jane Vaughan on the Rookwood grave list: there is a Janet Vaughan. Much later edit: the grave list is incorrect. The name on the gravestone is Jane Vaughan.
Comments copied from "J. Datson":
Reply #8 of 10 posted 2 days ago by [HMF supporting member] Margaret Furness There was also ":Jane Vaughan", which is a semi-single with a white eye. Jane Z thought it might be a seedling, and not worth growing. Reply #9 of 10 posted today by [HMF supporting member] Ozoldroser From Barbara May notes: Vaughen Jane see Catherine Haswell single red is 'Papa Hemeray' PT: note spelling Vaughen. There is also Vaughan Henry, Vaughen Sarah (gone) Reply #10 of 10 posted today by [HMF supporting member] Patricia Routley I remember seeing that rose on Oct 28, 2003 when Barbara took us to Rookwood. My notes of that day say: "Papa Hemeray does not seem like my, and other, Papa Hemerays. This rose flower is stunted and contorted." Later at home I thought it might have been 'Mlle. Francisque Favre'.
You asked me once if Jane V could be Papa Hemeray. I didn't think it was but am no expert. Photos below mostly taken a few m apart at Renmark, zone 9b. Unfortunately the receptacle isn't well shown on the Jane V photos. I think "Jane Vaughan" should probably be described as single. There are no photos of it on the photo CDs Jane Zammit sent around. Presumably she didn't grow it in her garden.
I've found another photo of "Jane Vaughn". It doesn't have the extremely slender receptacle of Papa Hemeray.
#3 of 4 posted
15 APR 20 by
On face value "Jane Vaughan" looks like the short, nearly single China that I saw growing in the Barbara May bed at Rookwood, although I can't be 100% certain. None of the roses in that bed were labelled when I last visited.
That sounds right. Various roses from Rookwood were propagated and planted in the Barbara May bed, and "Jane Vaughan" sounds like the most likely candidate for what you saw.
Jane Zammit, who collected it with Barbara, thought it might have been a seedling. Not a very exciting rose. Low-growing in my garden (zone 9b).