Canada - Application No: 19-9153 on 27 Mar 2017
Breeder: Michael Farrow, Holly Hill Farms Inc., Earleville, United States of America
Applicant: Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc.
United States - Patent No: PP 30,383 on 16 Apr 2019
VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 15/330,309 on 2 Sep 2016
Inventors: Farrow; Michael Wayne (Warwick, MD)
Assignee: Spring Meadow Nursery Inc. (Grand Haven, MI)
The new Rosa cultivar is a product of a chance discovery by the inventor, Christopher Michael Farrow. The discovery was made during 2010 at a commercial nursery in Maryland. The new variety is the result of a naturally occurring branch mutation of Rosa `ChewMayTime`, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 18,347.