'Bouquet rose de Vénus' rose Reviews & Comments
lol, it seems I was not the only one trying to figure out this mystery-I just saw your note about the misidentification in Europe, jedmar.
#1 of 9 posted
23 JUN 09 by
Actually, it was your post which got me to look at 'Bouquet de Venus' closer and make a couple of inquiries. Loubert seems to be the origin of the semi-double which is now marked (in commerce), while the L'Hay rose, although is probably also mislabeled. I suppose someone "identified" it. I am very suspicious of these identifications if you cannot find a history of references over decades. This one was clearly only mentioned by Redouté (no picture, alas) and then in again in the 20th century!
#2 of 9 posted
23 JUN 09 by
I'm glad you clarified the Redoute print--or lack of one, I have been pulling my hair out--It seemed certain to me that he had done a plate of this rose from reading the references, and I've been staring at my large "Complete Collection" of plates trying to find it, haha. I was starting to think I had been ripped off. Though I do know he did 60 additional rose portraits after Les Roses--at the end of his life I don't have--I've been trying to find a nice printed collection of them somewhere. I was at least going to scan the print in for reference here. I think the Roserie is mentioned as the original source for the Vintage Gardens rose, so even if this rose is misidentified, we can feel like we have pinned down the 'official' version. I'd love to know where AmiRoses took her photo, so we knew which we were seeing.
On a tangent; I'm curious to know if the attached picture (scanned from a postcard) is in your Complete Redoute. It's labelled just "Weeping Rose". What I think may be the original is in the historic house called Carrick Hill, near Adelaide.
#5 of 9 posted
23 JUN 09 by
Hi Margaret, to answer your question, I only (so far) have the complete Les Roses plates, this is most likely from one of the later works, 'Choix des plus belles fleurs' (Selections of the most beautiful flowers--144 illustrations) or 'Choix de soixante roses dediees a la reine des Belges' (Selections of 60 roses dedicated to the Queen of Belguim). Thanks for the link, Jedmar--it will be very helpful for me to search for a particular plate so much more quickly!
#4 of 9 posted
23 JUN 09 by
You can see all of Redouté's rose pictures on this site:
#7 of 9 posted
24 JUN 09 by
Daniel Schmitz, Belgium, carries the rose. As far as I remember - it was only yesterday, lol - the bloom was full.
#8 of 9 posted
24 JUN 09 by
It did not hop into your basket, perchance?
#9 of 9 posted
24 JUN 09 by
Unfortunately, the boot of the car was already full up. I will think of it next time.
I've become quite interested in finding out more about this elusive rose, due in no small part to the gorgeous photo submitted here by AmiRoses. Greenmantle Nursery carries this rose but has no photo, and Vintage Roses carries it as well, but their photo appears much different than either of the two here. It seems to be much softer pink, with less packed petals, which seems to agree with Redoute's description here under references. I have spent all day (and evening) trying to find more references to this rose, without success. I've been trying to navigate the Roserie de l'Hay website to find a picture of it, as it seems to have always been rare, but to have been present at Malmaison and preserved now at the Roserie. So far I've had no luck at all, I'm even searching all of my Redoute plates as he is referenced as describing it as well as it appearing in Les Roses . . . I even got so desperate I just put the rose name into a search engine to find any photos, but I found only 2 besides the one at Vintage Gardens: One looks very much like the semi-double rose in the photo that was here with Ami Roses--and the second was exactly the same as the Ami Roses photo--just on another site. I have to say, I'm feeling quite determined to root out the mystery but I'd love some help from any more knowledgeable rosarians. *note: the second rose photo that was here as 'Bouquet de Venus' has been removed, in case anyone was wondering what I was referring to.
#1 of 1 posted
23 JUN 09 by
The second photo is now found under 'Bouquet de Vénus (in commerce)'
I have a question, the two photos for this rose appear very different--are they both the same rose, and if not, which one is the correct one? I'm not familiar with this rose.
#1 of 1 posted
22 JUN 09 by
The description in "La Rose de France" corresponds to the double bloom shown by Amiroses. The rose in commerce in Europe seems to be mislabeled.