'Bouquet tout fait' rose References
Book (2009) Page(s) 35. Includes photo(s). 'Bouquet Tout Fait'. Introduced in France, before 1836 by Jean Lafay. The perfectly formed flowers of 'Bouquet Tout Fait' often reach 3 inches across, full of petals of white with a cream blush. They appear in large clusters on a robust plant of 6 feet or more. In autumn this prolific bloomer delights gardeners with its massive clusters of bloom arising from new stems from the base. It is richly scented, with a musky, peppery aroma.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 206. Bouquet Tout Fait (translation, 'Perfect Bouquet') Laffay, pre-1836. Noisette. [Author cites several sources.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 98. Bouquet tout fait (N) Laffay, before 1836, white and nanking-yellow, centre dawn-pink, medium-size, double, fragrance 7/10, floriferous
Bouquet, Vollkommenes (N) in Duisburg before 1845; like Bouquet tout fait
Book (1899) Page(s) 28. Bouquet tout fait, N, Laffay, blanc et nankin
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 22. noistte. à Bouquet tout à fait, white with nankeen-yellow, center dawn-colored, medium size, quite full, very fragrant.
Book (1871) Page(s) 349. Noisette Roses...Bouquet tout fait,- creamy white, large clusters, very sweet.
Website/Catalog (1853) Page(s) 15. Autumnal Roses. Noisette Roses. 2 Bouquet tout fait (suitable as a pillar rose)—creamy white, blooms in immense clusters and is very fragrant
Book (1848) Page(s) 152. Rosa moschata The Noisette Rose. 10. Bouquet tout fait; flowers creamy white, produced in large handsome clusters, of medium size, very double; form, expanded. Growth, vigorous. Very sweet.
Book (1847) Page(s) 255. Bouquet tout fait, Noisette, is a very luxuriant-growing pillar rose, blooming in immense clusters. It is very fragrant, and its color is creamy white, with buff toward the centre.
Website/Catalog (1843) Page(s) 50. Noisette Roses....Bouquet tout fait, Creamy white $ 1 50 *hardy