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'Bijou d'Enghien' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 239.  
Enghien, Bijou d' (Provins) ? ? ; pink, medium to large, double
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 23.  
1.525. Bijou d'Enghien, Provins, rose
Magazine  (2 Dec 1858)  Page(s) 380.  
Besides the officinal semi-double Rosa officinalis, which is still cultivated in Provins and which is said to distinguish itself by a very agreeable fragrance, there are 3 other main groups [of Rosa gallica]:
a) Seraglio or Sultan Roses (Rosa Maheka)....[see]
b) Velvet Roses (Rosa holosericea), also dark red, often tending to violet and with a velvety sheen. The most beautiful are: Belle Africaine, Brillante d'Enghien, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., La Nubienne (Gloire des Hellènes), Le Negre, Tombeau de Napoléon, Triomphe de Velours, Velours superbe and violet.
c) Bishop roses....[see]
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 361.  
Zu Rosa gallica.
Unter den vielen neuern Varietäten sind folgende besonders zu empfehlen:
Brillante d'Enghien (Parmentier.) rosenroth...

The Gallica Rose.
Of the many newer varieties, the following are recommended:
Brillante d'Enghien (Parmentier.) rose color...
Website/Catalog  (1849)  Page(s) 99.  
Rosiers provins.
Brillante d'Enghien (Parmentier), rose...2 fr.
Book  (1848)  Page(s) 46.  
Rosa gallica.
The French Rose.
93. Bijou d'Enghien (Brillant d'Enghien); flowers rose shaded, large and full; form, compact.
Website/Catalog  (1847)  Page(s) 23.  
Roses obtenues des semis faits par M. Louis Parmentier.
048  La brillante d'Enghien.
Book  (1847)  Page(s) 548.  
Rosier de Provins. Rosa Gallica.
Variétés jardinières.
Bijou d'Enghien. Fleurs moyennes ou grandes, pleines, roses.
Website/Catalog  (1845)  Page(s) 58.  
French or Provins Roses.—Rosa Gallica.
386 Bijou d'Enghien [no description]
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