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'Sport of 'Peach Surprise’' rose References
Book  (2017)  Page(s) 63.  Includes photo(s).
Dawn Eagle.  Sports in the Garden.
A few years ago i noticed a sport on my plant of ‘Peach Surprise’, a hybrid tea bred by Poulsen in the mod 1990s.  This particular rose grows quite tall, and the blooms are a typical HT shape.  I have even won prizes with it at shows.  The original blooms are described as ‘peach/cream blend’ although I would describe it as a peachy pink.  According to HelpMeFind, a very useful website for rose growers, ‘Peach Surprise’ is a sport of ‘Freude’, which indicates that this is a line of roses which is prone to sporting.    
One stem growing from the base of the plant of ‘Peach Surprise’ produced deep coral flowers of the same shape and size and the same number of petals.  I have looked after this stem carefully thriugh the years, and every year the same deep coral flowers appeared.  I asked a local nurseryman to bud some of this sport onto understock, and all the plants have produced the same colour.  
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