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'AUSegdon' rose Description
'Eustacia Vye ™' rose photo
Photo courtesy of anonymous-382123
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
30 favorite votes.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Bred by David C. H. Austin (1926-2018) (United Kingdom, before 2018).
Introduced in United Kingdom by David Austin Roses Limited (UK) in 2019 as 'Eustacia Vye'.
Shrub.   (Series: English Rose Collection)  
Apricot - pink.  Strong, fruity fragrance.  up to 90 petals.  Average diameter 3.5".  Large, very full (41+ petals), in small clusters, cupped, rosette, ruffled bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Pointed, wide oval buds.  
Bushy, upright.  Semi-glossy, medium green, leathery foliage.  

Height: 4' (120cm).  Width: 4' (120cm).
Canada - Application No: 21-10467  on  21 Apr 2021
United States - Patent No: PP 32,981  on  20 Apr 2021   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 16/602,906  on  19 Dec 2019
Inventors: Austin; David J. C. (Wolverhampton, GB)
This invention relates to a new and distinct variety of shrub rose plant named `AUSegdon`, which was originated from the cross-pollination of the two `unnamed` and unpatented seedlings of Rosa hybrida. ... the seed parent is of a mauve color ... the pollen parent has a paler pink bloom of a more incurved shape, and the plant has a larger broader growth compared to `AUSegdon`.
Participated in the 2022 Gifu rose trials