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'WEKaltive' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 167-865
most recent 15 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JUL by Bug_girl
I received a miss-labeled rose that looks just like this one. The size is accurate, it blooms through triple-digit heat, cool weather it is more orange, and hot weather more coral. It fades to pale orange. But, it doesn't look like this has been released in the USA. I am positive it isnt Livin' Easy, or At Last.
Discussion id : 127-138
most recent 22 APR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 APR 21 by Michael Garhart
Code name seems to imply it is bred from All A Twitter, and the catalog photo seems to support this idea. That is very disappointing for a shrub rose. I used All A Twitter in breeding, and have grown commercial cultivars bred out of it by Weeks. All A Twitter and its kin have a huge problem in climates such as mine, which is really bad downy mildew. I have one seedling to show from it after a few years, and it was somehow graced with not having bad downy via the resistances of a Rosa canina descendent.

While the color of All A Twitter is amazing, the foliage leaves a lot to be desired, so its disappointing to see a direct descendent as a shrub rose for the landscape being sold. I bought Edith's Darling when it was new, and sold as a shrub, and it had the same ill fate. While its possible that this rose did not inherit that nasty trait, I am dubious.
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