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'James Forbes' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2013)  Page(s) 16.  Includes photo(s).
James Forbes.  The Scotch College Rose Hybrid Tea Large Fragrant blooms of crimson red with a glossy green foliage as a  backdrop. A good alternative to any classic Hybrid Tea.  Bred for Scotch College, Melbourne in honour of its founder, Rev. James Forbes. 1813–1851.  Height 1.2m
Website/Catalog  (2000)

12 months to go....
In the founder’s name - the ‘James Forbes’ rose.   In this column in the September issue of Great Scot were details of the newly bred rose, which has been named in honour of the School's founder. The breeder is now progressing with the propagation of the rose, so that sufficient quantities will be available for the anticipated demand in 2001.  The breeders and propagators of this rose are Brundretts The Rose People, of Narre Warren North.

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