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'Pear™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 167-501
most recent 10 JUN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUN by TaysDragon
Proven Winners has this listed as "Flavorette Pear'd™ Rosa x 'Bozdib023' USPPAF, Can PBRAF."
Reply #1 of 1 posted 10 JUN by HMF Admin
On the surface this seems a bit suspect. The breeder code for this rose is 'BOZedib023' while the Plant Winners website, and others, reference the parent as 'Bozdib023' (note the missing 'e' as in "Editable rose") and we do not have Flavorette Pear'd™ listed on HMF as of yet - possibly a synonym for one our current listings. Time to start checking patents...
Discussion id : 134-323
most recent 28 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 AUG 22 by jac123
As pointed out by other users, this variety resembles quite closely some of the older Austins (especially Heritage), but in my experience it is way healthier.

It repeats quickly, ìn clusters of 2 to 3 medium sized, shell-pink blooms. They're cup shaped, with about 35-40 petals, and in warm weather they open up more. There's always some scent, myrrh in cool weather, fruity (I guess one could say it smells like pears) otherwise, but intensity varies widely. As one may expect, its blooms do not last long and do not like summe heat (yet the plant keeps producing, even in the heat).

Quite healthy, just a bit of late-season blackspot. I've not had it long enough to comment its final size, but it's still very compact.

it forms a good number of medium-sized, pear-shaped (quite ironic, huh?) hips, that turn a nice shade of orange in winter.
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