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'Toxi Pavement' rose References
Website/Catalog  (21 Jun 2015)  
Name: 'Pierette'
Synonyms: 'Pierette Pavement', Uhlater, 'Yankee Lady'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Pierette
HRg, dp, Uhl, J.; flowers magenta pink, large , semi-dbl. to dbl., borne in clusters , moderate fragrance; recurrent; low (30 in.), spreading growth; hips large ; hardy. Introductions: Rosen Tantau , 1987
Website/Catalog  (21 Jun 2015)  
Name: Buffalo Gal
Synonyms: 'Foxi', 'Foxi Pavement', 'Foxy Pavement', 'Luberon', 'Uhlwe'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Buffalo Gal. HRg, dp, Uhl, J.; flowers lavender-pink, semi-dbl. to dbl., loose, borne in clusters, moderate fragrance; recurrent ; foliage large, light green, wrinkled, shiny; growth upright, 3-4 ft. Introductions: 1988. Awards: ADR, Germany
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 66.  
Buffalo Gal HRg, dp, Uhl, dp ... description
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 53.  
Buffalo Gal (UHLater, Foxi, Foxi Pavement, Foxy Pavement, Luberon) HRg dp Uhl 1989, Edland FA 1991, ADR 1992 MR11 (note that Buffalo Gal and Pierrette are confused in the trade)...
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 603.  
'UHLater', HRg, dp, 1989; (Buffalo Gal, Foxi, Foxi Pavement); description; Uhl, J.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 134.  
‘Buffalo Gal’ /UHLwe/’Foxi’/’Foxi Pavement’/’Foxy Pavement’ = Arbuste… silhouette ronde et trapue… tiges épineuses, feuilles épaisses et gaufrées, santé florissante… 5 pétales fripés qu’elles ouvrent grand pour mieux révéler leur ton très doux de rose lavande... Uhl, Allemagne, 1989. Ascendance inconnue.
Article (magazine)  (May 1999)  Page(s) 61.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (28 Dec 1998)  Page(s) 41.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (28 Dec 1998)  Page(s) 41.  
Buffalo Gal (UHLater) Description... It is extremely hardy and disease resistant and enchanting with its lavender-pink, spice-scented blossoms...
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