'Aimée Vibert' rose References
Magazine (2016) Page(s) Table S2. aimee vibert, Origin of the sample: Loubert Rose Garden, Genetic group 10 (Botanical/Cultivated), Percentage of assignation: 88.2, 1828, N, Vibert, Origin: France Paris, Ploidy: 2, measured
Book (2016) Page(s) 5. Aimée Vibert .....almost thornless canes
Book (2012) Page(s) 66. Rosiers Noisette N. Aimée, Vib.
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 60-61. Includes photo(s). ‘Aimée Vibert’/’Nivea’: Les rosiers noisettes. Parents: ‘Champney’s Pink Cluster’ x hybride de Rosa sempervirens ou, selon l’opinion qui prévalait au XIXè siècle, un accident fixé du rosier Noisette, ‘Repens’. Obtenteur: Vibert, 1828. Description et conseils. NB: On donne souvent comme synonyme de ce rosier ‘Bouquet de la Mariée’. En fait, ce nom s’applique à un hybride remontant créé par Demaizin en 1858 et nommé ‘Bouquet de Mariée’. C’est à sa fille que Vibert dédia ce rosier dont l’allure, bien différente des autres Noisette, a fait coulé beaucoup d’encre au siècle dernier. Alors que selon certains, il ne serait qu’une mutation de Rosa noisettiana repens, Loiseleur-Delongchamps prétend qu’il aurait été trouvé dans un semis de Rosa sempervirens. Cette thèse semble la plus crédible, car il aurait supplanté dans les cultures deux rosiers très proches et obtenus auparavant par Vibert: ‘Isabelle d’Orléans’ (1824) et ‘Princesse d’Orange’ (1825), ce qui exclut la possibilité d’une mutation. De plus, il semblerait que la forme initiale ait été arbustive alors que la forme grimpante cultivée aujourd’hui a été introduite par Curtis, en 1841.
approximate translation: "Aimée Vibert" / "Nivea": The Noisette roses. Parents: ‘Champney’s Pink Cluster’ x hybrid of Rosa sempervirens or, according to the prevailing opinion in the 19th century, a fixed accident of the Hazelnut rose, ‘Repens’. Breeder: Vibert, 1828. Description and advice. NB: This rose is often given as a synonym "Bouquet of the Bride". In fact, this name applies to a dating hybrid created by Demaizin in 1858 and called ‘Bouquet de Mariée’. It is to his daughter that Vibert dedicated this rose bush, whose appearance, very different from other Noisettes, has been the subject of much ink in the last century. While some claim it is only a mutation of Rosa noisettiana repens, Loiseleur-Delongchamps claims it was found in a seedling of Rosa sempervirens. This thesis seems the most credible, because it would have supplanted in the cultures two very close roses and obtained previously by Vibert: 'Isabelle of Orleans' (1824) and 'Princesse d'Orange' (1825), which excludes the possibility of 'a mutation. In addition, it would appear that the initial form was shrubby whereas the climbing form cultivated today was introduced by Curtis in 1841.
Book (2002) Page(s) 18. Rated 8.2
Book (2000) Page(s) 68. Includes photo(s). ‘Aimée Vibert’/’Bouquet de la Mariée’/’Nivea’: Ancien – Noisette - blanc, remontant. Le mariage des fleurs blanc pur et des boutons lavés de rouge sur le feuillage luisant est en enchantement… Après plantation, ce sarmenteux met fréquemment 3 ans à fleurir, concentrant d’abord son énergie sur la production de longs rameaux et d’un feuillage dense… Vibert, France, 1828.
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s).
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 68. Includes photo(s). Aimée Vibert ('Bouquet de la Mariée', 'Nivea') Noisette. Vibert 1828. Description... the buds have a red flush. The strong musk scent helped this rose to become the most popular of the early Noisettes. Vibert raised the plant at his test grounds at Longjumeau near Paris, and he named it after his devoted daughter... at its best in autumn...
Book (1995) Page(s) 268. Aimée Vibert One of Gertrude Jekyll's favorite white roses...
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 155. Aimée Vibert Noisette. Vibert (France) 1828. ('Bouquet de la Mariée') Description... raised from a Noisette crossed with Rosa sempervirens about the time when Noisettes were creating a stir... the most beautiful of all rose foliage... fairly full white flowers... can be late flowering because it is slightly tender, losing many of its flowering shoots in hard winters...