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'AUSmajesty' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 146-640
most recent 24 JUL 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 JUL 23 by Emmie
I'm in the US, so I've only had this rose for a few months, planted in partial shade. So far, the blooms open pure white in my dry-heat climate, with no hint of apricot or pink. Perhaps those shades will come through in the autumn.
Discussion id : 146-233
most recent 6 JUL 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 JUN 23 by Marlorena
1 year on from my first report and I'm really struggling to like this... the blooms are full of flimsy petals that shatter all too quickly, leaving a total mess on the ground, whilst this can look attractive, I'm finding it a bit too much.. with bits of petals remaining on the stem.. I'm forever deadheading to keep it looking reasonable..

The scent is minimal this summer so far..

I don't think I'll be keeping this rose..
Reply #1 of 3 posted 6 JUL 23 by Ericchn
That’s disappointing to hear. I was considering buying it as it will be available this autumn in Europe.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 6 JUL 23 by Marlorena
I removed it from my garden, it's gone. I was very disappointed this summer. I have replaced it with 'Silas Marner' which I think is a much better rose all round. A sweet scent and the blooms last longer.

Don't let me put you off though. You might like it much more than I did.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 6 JUL 23 by Ericchn
I have both Silas Marner (1st year) and Emily Blontë (2nd year) and to my eyes the flower of Elizabeth in photos is really similar to that of Emily Brontë…

I’ll definitely try Bring Me Sunshine though.
Discussion id : 146-210
most recent 22 JUN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUN 23 by vorong2ru
Mixed feelings on this one. The pics don't do its justice - it's a very bright and much more pinkie rose than you could see on pictures. It glows and shines especially in half shade underneath the tree canopy. It gives huge sprays of flowers and quite keen to bloom. However, my 1 yo plant holds it's flowers just for a couple days, it's very mildly fragrant on a good day, it doesn't have a strong scent for sure. I've been to DA gardens and was really dedicated to smell all the bushes of Elizabeth and none of them were strongly scented. The flower looks like a mix of eustacia vye colors with emily bronte flower form which is just confusing as they do look very very similar. The leaves are gorgeous and it keeps blooming without deadheading. 5/10 I guess.
Discussion id : 134-928
most recent 29 OCT 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 OCT 22 by Marlorena
Does not appear to set hips.
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