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'Caroline Severance' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1897)  Page(s) 40.  
CAROLINE SEVERANCE. New Seedling rose. A lovely tea rose. Not very double but with charming buds of a rich tawny orange red color, changing to pinkish yellow after the manner of "Beauty of Glazenwood." A good strong grower — small plants ready April ist. 30 cts. each.

[no longer listed in 1898]
Website/Catalog  (1895)  Page(s) 25.  
Seedling Tea Roses.
Mrs. Caroline Severence. A Rose of charming color, resembling "Beauty of Grlazanwood," or "Gold of Ophir," as it is sometimes called, beautiful tawny yellow buds that turn bright yellow. 35c. each.
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