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'Friendly ® Merveille de Givrins' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 168-273
most recent 4 SEP SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 AUG by Alain Meilland
hi hmf,

the tradename for Swirtzerland is FRIENDLY® Merveille de Givrins for MEIariba

Matthias Meilland
Reply #1 of 7 posted 27 AUG by jedmar
Matthias, it is not in trade in Switzerland, and the local press (and Facebook) calls it 'Merveille de Givrins' without the "Friendly". Still, the synonym is added.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 28 AUG by Alain Meilland
Well it is rarely in trade prior to the introduction ;) and it is in the process of licensing Switzerland producers under the tradename FRIENDLY® Merveille de Givrins. The press must have made a mistake as I was clear during the event that you participate with me ;)

This is similar to Meinatope which is called in Switzerland FRIENDLY® Christina Meylan ;)
Reply #3 of 7 posted 29 AUG by jedmar
Matthias, yes, I was there, but it seems only you were talking about FRIENDLY. Anyway, HMF usually has different spellings so that members can find a rose. When FRIENDLY roses are commercialized in Switzerland, then the nurseries should have the full trade name in their catalogues and HMF will link the nursery listings accordingly. However, the R sign after the "family" name Friendly creates a problem. The name shown in the nursery listing is only Friendly. See 'Friendly R Christine Meylan. The software is geared towards having the R and TM signs at the end of the name.
Reply #4 of 7 posted 3 SEP by Alain Meilland
I'm still amaze by the fact that breeders cannot correct as he intent his creation to be named on HMF, even if you claim it is possible and easy during our meetings at the WFRS breeders' club.

You are saying : "it seems only you were talking about FRIENDLY" ... Who am I ? What other "proof" do you need than the person representing the breeding house that told you knowingly during the event that the full name for Switzerland is FRIENDLY® Merveille de Givrins ?

so please, and for the 3rd time, have it corrected so people can get true informations and not hearsay or misunderstanding by facebook publications and "local press", thanks.

Also : "Baptised as 'FRIENDLY® Merveille de Givrins' on August 11, 2024 at Givrins, Switzerland, in the context of the Youth Meeting of the Canton of Vaud."

Reply #5 of 7 posted 3 SEP by jedmar
I am sorry Matthias, it is not a matter of correction: The FRIENDLY® Merveille de Givrins name has been added, but we will keep the 'Merveille de Givrins' as this is how press in Suisse Romande (La Côte, Le Temps) is reporting:

"Ce dimanche, une nouvelle variété de rose sera officiellement baptisée «Merveille de Givrins» sous la cantine de la Cantonale."
"La Cantonale des Jeunesses restera dans l’histoire de la région, mais aussi dans les livres de botanique. Ce dimanche, une nouvelle variété de rose sera baptisée Merveille de Givrins à l’occasion du repas officiel du Rallye de Syndic."
"Produite dans le sud de la France, la Merveille de Givrins sera également commercialisée en Suisse."

On Instagram: "La Merveille de Givrins ???? Une Rose qui porte le nom du village où se déroule actuellement la @cantonale_2024_givrins"

On Facebook: "Je vous présente la "Merveille de Givrins"
"Le 11 août, à eu lieu du premier Rallye des Syndics du Canton de Vaud, une magnifique rose de la maison @rosesmeilland international, à été baptisé au nom de "MERVEILLE DE GIVRINS".
Reply #6 of 7 posted 4 SEP by Alain Meilland
"HMF usually has different spellings so that members can find a rose"
So you knowingly use a name that will not be on the market because 2 newspapers and 2 Social accounts made a mistake vs. the breeding house telling you (again and again) what tradename it will be ?
Nice... ????
Reply #7 of 7 posted 4 SEP by jedmar
We list various variants of a name as found in publications. You can ascertain this yourself by checking listings of other roses. See e.g. RADwhite: Synonyms listed are Knock Out White ®, Rosa White Out ™, White Knock Out ®, White Out. All these forms have been used by publications or nurseries. They are listed in order to enable successful searching by Members.

As mentioned above, when the rose is introduced commercially in Switzerland, we will link the name of the introducing nursery to FRIENDLY® Merveille de Givrins (provided the nursery uses this name in its website/catalogue). That will be shown on the Origin line.
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