'Van Huisson' rose References
Book (2011) Page(s) 354. location L:IV/4f, Van Huyssum, Parmentier 1845, Gallica, red, medium size, double
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 68. Van Huyssum. Parmentier ca. 1845 ... see also 'Vandhuisson' (HB).
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 558. Van Huyssum Gallica. Louis-Joseph-Ghislain Parmentier (Enghien, Belgium) ca. 1845.
Book (1936) Page(s) 357. van Huyssum (hybrid china) ? ? ; vivid violet-red, large, 3/4-full
van Huyssum (Provins) Parmentier ca. 1845; vivid red, medium size, double
Book (1899) Page(s) 176. Van Huyssem, Provins, Parmentier, rouge vif
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. II, p. 338. Hyb. Beng. Van Huissen. Fleur grande, semi-pleine; coloris rouge vif violacé.
Book (1880) Page(s) 106, Annex, p. 131. p. 106: In French, English, Belgian and German Rose lists the following are mostly listed as hybrid chinas....Van Huissen
Annex, p. 131: hybrid china, Van Huissen, violet-red, large, almost double
Book (1864) Page(s) 188. Varieties requiring winter protection....These are some of the hybrid chinas, bourbons or noisettes, such as: Blairii, Malton, George IV, King of Roses, Van Dyk, Van Huissen, Duc de Grafton; many hybrid perpetuals and [damask] perpetuals, the Ayrshire-Rose: Ruga and others.
Book (1858) Page(s) 298. Hybride de Bengale ... Van Huissen, large, almost double, violet red.
Magazine (Aug 1854) Page(s) 229. "On Town Roses" by G. Paul. I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom. Summer Roses. The Hybrid Bourbon. Vandhuisson...large, bright crimson