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'C01-1' rose Description
'C01-1' rose photo
Photo courtesy of jac123
Breeding stock only
Bred by Jacopo Giammario (Italy, 2022).
Orange, ages to salmon-pink .  Purple stigmas.  Mild, sweet fragrance.  Small, very double, high-centered, reflexed bloom form.  Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Small, semi-glossy, blue-green foliage.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
This is the only seedling I grew from a cross between Kordes yellow climber and an unnamed red mini. The purpose of this cross was to obtain a fertile plant with the pollen parent's genes and to improve its blackspot resistance.

This seedling's pollen parent is floriferous and has shown excellent resistance to shade and poor soil, but is extremely susceptible to blackspot.

C01-1 is slightly more blackspot resistant than its pollen parent. It defoliates, but it is vigorous enough to push new growth and new blooms, whereas its pollen parent shuts down after its first flush.

C01-1 is meant as breeding stock, not as a finite variety. I will test its fertility and asses whether its disease resistance can be improved in the following generation. Its color, more vibrant than visible in pictures, clearly contains both the red pigment inherited by the pollen parent and Golden Gate's yellow pigments. Its blooms are orange-red when they open; then, the yellow pigment fades as the bloom ages, leaving medium pink blooms.

In its first season, it produced very double blooms with narrow petals; in its second season, it is producing semidouble blooms and wider petals. I will be testing if it is due to poorer soil or to other conditions; it is not due to higher temperatures.

It is setting hand-pollinated hips; hopefully, its seeds will germinate. It produces abundant fertile pollen. I'm crossing it mostly with modern Kordes' roses and hulthemias.
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