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'Lionel’s Pink China Rose' Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 169-076
most recent 16 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 NOV by Margaret Furness
Available from Leonie Kearney Heritage Roses, Samsonvale, Queensland.
Discussion id : 167-735
most recent 2 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JUL by Margaret Furness
Recently awarded a Silver Medal in the East Coast (of Australia) Rose Trial Grounds.
Discussion id : 167-295
most recent 25 MAY HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY by Balinbear123
We have several in our garden. We grew our first one from a flower Lionel gave us at a HRIA day at our place. It grows quite large in SE Queensland (3m x 3m).

Lovely rose which is constantly in flower. Not a strong perfume but appears to be pretty well immune to most problems.
Discussion id : 153-988
most recent 14 NOV 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 NOV 23 by Margaret Furness
Highly-regarded by those who grow it (not widely known outside SE Queensland). Sold by Leonie Kearney at markets, and from Rosevale Homestead nursery, 822 Mt. Samson Road, Samsonvale.
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