'WEKamyldroder' rose Reviews & Comments
Not too sure about this one — terrible marketing picture. ‘All My Loving’ is one of my favorite newer introductions and I’m not a fan of pink! It is a huge improvement over Maria Callas (aka Miss All American Beauty). On the other hand, every time I’ve seen ‘Drop Dead Red’ in the nursery or municipal rose garden my reaction is “Meh.” AML is a good garden plant, so I can see why it’s used as pod parent, but why on earth was ugly flowered DDR chosen as pollen parent? Lasting Love or Firefighter would have made more sense. I’m keeping an open mind about this one, but will not purchase until I’ve seen it grow and bloom first in someone else’s garden.
Perhaps for the healthy foliage and brightness of the color. I agree, DDR is not a rose I would buy, but I would like to see that foliage with a pretty flower.
Crimson Bouquet or Peak Performance would have been better than DDR for foliage & color. Who knows, maybe they did attempt those crosses but nothing good resulted. In the last 2-3 years the latest releases from Weeks Roses have been humdrum, I guess that’s what happens when they fired their in house hybridizer Bedard. The same lackluster introductions are at David Austin too after Senior died. I get that everyone wants easier to grow plants, but sacrificing beauty & charm is not going to sell roses. They’re all starting to look like landscaping shrubs at industrial office parks.
Ben, you should be breeding roses if you're not already.
I didn't know about Bedard leaving Weeks. Has he gone elsewhere in the rose business?
I don't understand rose economics anymore. Seeing the prices DA's "superseded" roses are selling for on Ebay, you would think nurseries might simply propagate the OOC cultivars and not sign on with the DA company at all.
I am also curious about what is in the contracts with the Kordes company. Do nurseries who want to offer the latest from that company have to agree to sell nothing but Kordes roses?
From Portland Nursery, this one will be the Rose Festival rose of the year pre-intro. They rename them for the event, and so it was titled:
"'Heart of Portland' Red, double roses unfurl from sharply pointed buds against a backdrop of dark, glossy-green foliage that begins with unusually deep, pinot new growth on this medium-tall hybrid tea.
Class: Hybrid Tea Plant Habit: Medium-tall Growth Habit: Upright slightly spreading Stem Length: Medium-long Foliage Color: Dark very glossy green Disease Resistance: Good Flower Color: Medium even red Bud Form: Shapely pointed Flower Form: Spiraled, cuppy & double Flower Size: Medium-large, around 4-5 inch diameter, usually single Petal Count: 30 to 45 Fragrance: Moderate fruity Parentage: All My Loving x Drop Dead Red Hybridizer: Christian Bédard Introducer: Weeks Roses"
Thanks Michael. ‘Heart of Portland’ added.
Gonna guess it's [All My Loving x (Drop Dead Red x Della Reese)]
Alternatively possible: All My Loving x Drop Dead Red.