'Candleglow' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 30. Not rated
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 72. Candleglow Hybrid Tea, yellow washed shrimp-pink, 1951, 'Golden Rapture' x (Seedling x 'Joanna Hill'); Whisler. Description.
Book (1958) Page(s) 46. Candleglow. HT. (Whisler; int. Germain, '51.) Golden Rapture X (seedling X Joanna Hill). Bud long pointed; fl. large (5-6 in.), dbl. (35-40 petals), cupped, slightly fragrant, mimosa-yellow washed shrimp pink. Fol. glossy, dark. Vig. upright. (28) Pl. Pat. 1199.
Book (1956) Page(s) 27. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some New Roses For 1956. Candleglow HT. (Whisler 1951). The pointed buds are soft buff pink opening to almost white under strong sunlight. In cool weather and mild climates the colour is better. The flowers are very fragrant, vigorous, strong growth with good foliage.
Book (1956) Page(s) 172. Candle Glow (H.T.) (Geheimrat Duisburg X [seedling X Joanna Hill]) Pale yellow and pink. Large, cupped blooms very freely produced in quantity on a tall plant. The colour combination may be too pale for some tastes but this constitutes the only disadvantage. (Whisler, 1951.)
Magazine (Sep 1951) Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 91. Registration Internationale des Roses Nouvelles en 1950 Sous le contrôle de la National Rose Society, de l'American Rose Society et de la Société Française des Roses ... Reg. No. U.S.A.; Candle Glow; Enregistrées par U.S.A.; Obtenues par Germain's Inc.