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'Cameo Cream' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 76-637
most recent 11 FEB 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 FEB 14 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
I grew this rose for a few years in a spot with only about 4 hours of sun in the spring and fall (much more when the sun was directly overhead). There was seldom more than one rose at a time, and the plant eventually died. I planted a new one in a totally sunny location and was absolutely awed by the difference. Plant this one in as much sun as possible, as it's a beautiful rose!
Discussion id : 47-438
most recent 13 AUG 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 AUG 10 by AnneU
Site mentioned ‘Marcellin Champagnat’ and ‘Sacred Heart’ as synonyms of ‘Caroline de Monaco’. But that seems wrong, as Marcellin Champagnat, syn 'Sacred Heart' is a completely different rose (see in HMF).
Discussion id : 47-166
most recent 30 JUL 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JUL 10 by Michael Garhart
I think the wrong Tchin-Tchin was listed. The patent states, "The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) was the Meikinosi variety (non-patented in the United States). The Meikinosi variety sometimes is known as the Tchin-Tchin variety."
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 JUL 10 by Cass
You're right.
Discussion id : 43-589
most recent 31 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 MAR 10 by Kim Wood
Dear help me find,
The rose "caroline de monaco" is not available from Roses Unlimited in Laurens, S.C.
They do not carry this rose as I have tried to order it from them for two years in a row. I was told by the owner of the nursery that they do not carry it. Too bad..

Kim Wood
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 MAR 10 by HMF Admin
We have updated the listing, thank you (!) for taking the time to pass along this correction
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