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This rose was known for a long time, incorrectly, as Bloomfield Abundance, but that name belongs to another rose. This one is now known as Spray Cecile Brunner. I would suggest transferring the photo to the file of Spray Cecile Brunner. Nice photo.
Judging by the open blooms, I would guess that Rosaplant’s rose is in fact, ‘Mlle. Cecile Brunner’. My own-root ‘Mlle. Cecile Brunner’ (provenance: Sandie in 2009, who swore it was Mlle. Cecile Brunner) flowered just like those blooms for years, and this year, cool wet spring, it is putting up sprays, exactly like this photo. I stand and stare at it in puzzlement. In my garden ‘Mlle. Cecile Brunner’ and ‘Mlle. Cecile Brunner Climbing’ flower exactly four weeks earlier than ‘Spray Cecile Brunner’.
I thought it was Spray CB because the buds show foliaceous sepals.