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Brigitta's garden in Pécel
Discussion id : 22-041
most recent 14 OCT 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 OCT 07 by Lesa - Zone 5b/6
Dear Brigitta,

I love your photos. You have so many beautiful roses. I see that you have three Kordes roses that I am interested in. I have only been able to find limited information about them. Could you please tell what you think of them? Your opinion would be greatly appreciated. The roses are Rosanna, Antike89 and Kupferkönigin.

Best Regards,
Discussion id : 17-628
most recent 18 APR 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 MAR 07 by Fredrik
Dear Brigitta,

You have an impressive collection indeed!! Very envious. And in particular that you have managed to get hold of Abracadabra. I have tried to find anyone who sells it but with no success. I looked at the link you had to György Fráter but there was no e-mail address and no list of available roses. May I ask where you found your Abracadabra? Would it be possible to ask fro the contact details to that distributor? That would truly be a blessing!

Best regards,

Fredrik Eriksson
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 APR 07 by Brigitta
Dear Fredric,
First of all, sorry for my late answer... Many thanks for your applause, but my garden is not ready yet. :o)
Yes, my seller name is György Fráter in Hungary. Sorry, but he can not speak English, he speak German language just. If it is not problem for you please write an email to me, and I will give his contact details.
My email address:
Kind regards,
Discussion id : 11-546
most recent 12 MAR 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 MAR 06 by Kata
Kedves Brigitta!
Micsoda öröm egy ilyen közel lakó rózsabarátot találni a neten. Szívesen megismerkednék Önnel személyesen is. Kérem, nézze meg a honlapunkat és ha gondolja, keressen meg. ( ) Üdvözlettel: Templom Kata
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