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Regensberg rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of JC
Regensberg is a very nice and worthy rose. I'm very happy with this, but it's NOT strong scented (mild apple fragrance). It closes its (inner) petals later in the day. Sold in Brazil, but very rare. No signal of Mosaic virus (until now).
JC Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of JC
A "bAck" rose (hee). Yes, roses are beautiful by the underside too. I like to take shots by this way. Mini rose Non-identified (I call it by the nick "White Pink") Sold in Brazil (not virused yet)
JC Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of JC
First bloom of my new (mini) yellow seedling for 2007, thorny, strong petals and mild apple fragrance. I'm very happy with this, hybridizing is really fun!
JC Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of JC
Mini Greenhouse of PET Bottles, a good and ecological idea for people with not much space. It is great to enhance sucess in propagation by cuttings and seeds. Works very well with Roses, Azaleas, Herbs and many other plants, use your creativity! I use it to recover weakened (or sick) Orchids too. Use a sharpen tool (knife or stylet) to cut the bottles (be carefull with your fingers), put the parts together inserting the smaller (top) on the larger (bottom) (the condensation must return to the substrate/potting soil), rarelly needs watering. Good luck with your projects!
Ambiance rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of JC
Sold in Brazil like Florist (very big and beautiful) and Garden (smaller blooms, same beautiful color) rose, no fragrance. This flower was "stolen" of my mother's "Mother's Day" bouquet... hee.
JC Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of JC
Some of my rose seedlings inside the "Mini Greenhouse of PET Bottles". The seeds were germinated at refrigerator and putted inside the Mini Greenhouse. Very good to maintain good conditions for the inicial growth of the fragile rose seedlings. Don't need watering for months!
JC Garden garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of JC
Very charming rose, white with pink edge, turns totally pink in full sun. Not much fragrant, floriferous (clusters or solitary flowers), light green leaves, propagation is very easy. Mini rose Non-identified (I call it by the nick "White Pink") Sold in Brazil (not virused yet)
rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of JC
My new seedling, mini rose, brilliant color (yellow-copper) with light pink edge, strong petals, long lasting, very mild apple fragrance.
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