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Jersey Shore Rose Society
Discussion id : 46-888
most recent 20 JUL 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUL 10 by anonymous-417131
The meeting place location that's listed on helpmefind for jersey shore rose society does not match the meeting place listed on the society website.

The contact person listed on helpmefind that membership checks should go to does not match the contact person that is listed on the membership form which you get off the society website.

please see that the information on helpmefind matches the information found on the society website.

thank you
Reply #1 of 3 posted 19 JUL 10 by HMF Admin
If you are a representative of this society we would be pleased to link your HMF registration to this listing so you can keep it current including membership and event information.

Currently, this listing is linked to member "hiptownrose2". Is this person no longer involved with this society ?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 19 JUL 10 by hiptownrose2
I am the past president of the JSRS. The officers changed in January, 2010, and the meeting location in March 2010. I believe the question was asked by the JSRS webmaster.

The page has been updated, and is now current.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 20 JUL 10 by HMF Admin
Great, we would be honored to have a link to on your society's website.

Check back soon as we have some great new features planned for Society listings.
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