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South Coast Rose Society
Discussion id : 100-106
most recent 25 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 17 by John P
Hi There,

My name is John, I'm searching for a Cleopatra Rose. It's reddish pink in color with white accents. I've called around 50 growers and had to luck finding one.

We lost our cat, Fuzz Face, whom we often called Fuzzopatra. We're hoping to bury her ashes with a Cleopatra rose as a tribute.

Do any of you have a Cleopatra rose in your garden? If not, do you know anyone who might?

I thank you for any of your time and efforts with this. Have a great day!
Discussion id : 7-332
most recent 31 DEC 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 DEC 04 by Unregistered Guest
I live in Orange County, a novice concerning roses. I think I am suppose to prune my rose bushes in Jan or Fed? How far should I cut them back and where should they be pruned?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 DEC 04 by RoseBlush
The best way to answer this question is for you to attend a pruning demonstration. The local American Rose Society chapters generally put on an annual pruning demonstrations which are open to the public. Consulting Rosarians will be in attendance and can answer many of your questions. Contact information can be found on the ARS website:

You live in the Pacific Southwest District so I have copied the link to page of the ARS site which should give you information about a society near you:

It would be wise to bring a list of the roses in your garden, if you have one and can identify the roses. Different classes of roses are pruned in different ways, but this kind of question is exactly why the societies put on the pruning demonstratons.

Generally, in southern California, your roses should be pruned by about the middle of January, so most of the pruning demonstrations will be held in the next couple of weeks.

Good luck with your roses.


Discussion id : 4-102
most recent 16 OCT 03 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 OCT 03 by Anonymous-797
South Coast Rose Society Rose Show will be held May 1 and 2, 2004 at the South Coast Botanic Garden.
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