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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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A Practical Guide To Garden Plants
(1901)  Page(s) 398.  
Rivers' Ayrshire Queen reddish purple
(1901)  Page(s) 394.  
Comtesse de Rocquiguy white flushed with pinky salmon; flowers produced in large trusses.
(1901)  Page(s) 392.  
Longworth Rambler, light crimson, semi-double, very vigorous. A good autumn-flowering olimber. Also known as Deschamps, and classed with the Noisettes.
(1901)  Page(s) 388.  
Duchesse de Vallombrosa light rose-peach passing to white, large globular flower.
(1901)  Page(s) 391.  
Jeanne Forgeot, golden yellow, shaded nankeen and rose.
(1901)  Page(s) 392.  
Tea Roses - Shades of White, or White tinted with Rose, Pink or Salmon, etc.
Letty Coles white, with pink centre, novel and distinct.
(1901)  Page(s) 392.  
Longworth Rambler, light crimson, semi-double, very vigorous. A good autumn-flowering olimber. Also known as Deschamps, and classed with the Noisettes.
(1901)  Page(s) 399.  
Lucy Ashton, white, pink edges.
(1901)  Page(s) 391.  
Tea Roses - Shades of Yellow
Ma Capucine bronze yellow, beautiful in bud, a charming button-hole Rose.
(1901)  Page(s) 392.  
Hybrid Tea-Scented Roses - Shades of Crimson, Rose or Pink
Madame de Tartas bright rose, medium size, very free.
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