Soupert & Notting Rosen-Verzeichnis 1909-1910, Nr. 132
(1909) Alberto N. Calamet (Soupert & Notting) „Laura Wattine et Caroline Testout". Extérieur des pétales rose clair, intérieur blanc carné magnifique; très grande, pleine, droite, beau bouton allongé; vigoureux; de tout premier mérite et à'un grand avenir pour massifs et la fleur coupée
[Approx. translation: 'Alberto N. Calamet' (Soupert and Notting) 'Laura Wattine' x 'Caroline Testout'. Exterior of petals light pink, interior, magnificent flesh-colored white. Very big, full, erect, beautiful elongated buds; vigorous; first merit, a great future as flower beds and as cut flower.]
(1909) Page(s) 82. Rose Novelties for 1908 ...Climbers...Alexandre Girault (Barbier & Cie.) bright carmine, large double blooms; seedling of 'Wichuraiana' x 'Papa Gontier' ...rambling ....M 1.--
(1909) Page(s) 84. Mme Alice Köpke-Demoy (Soupert & Notting) blanc très légèrement nuancé jaune; grandes fleurs de forme splendide, doubles, port droit, exceptionnellement florifère, Semis de „Souv. de Mme. Eug. Verdier" X „Perle von Godesberg". Variété de premier ordre. Médailles d'or Nancy et Mannheim, 1907 vig.
[Approx. translation: 'Mme Alice Köpke-Demoy' (Soupert & Notting) White, faintly yellow shade, big flowers, beautiful forms, double, erect, exceptionally floriferous, Seedling of de 'Souv. de Mme. Eug. Verdier' x 'Perle von Godesberg'. First class variety, Gold Medal at Nancy and Mannheim 1907, vigorous]
(1909) Page(s) 84. 1908. Alix Roussel (Gamon) coppery yellow, centre salmon; large, double; elongated buds, valuable sort for cut flower. Silver Medal of the French Congress of Rose Breeders and two Certificates I. class Lyon. [No longer in 1911 catalogue].
(1909) Page(s) 87. Rose Novelties for 1909.. 1554 Bagatelle (Soupert & Notting). White, shaded soft pink, new colouring; very vigorous and climbing, hardy. Blooms in large Clusters, Long stems, medium size, Lasting. extremely valuable as our 'Stella', 'Bar-le-Duc', 'Bordeaux'. ....Marks 1.20 Per hundred M 80,-
(1909) Page(s) 79. 1907. Blumenschmidt (J. C. Schmidt) pure vivid lemon-yellow, circumference lightly pink edged, blooms floriferously until late autumn. Awards: Sangerhausen 1903, Düsseldorf 1904, Kreuznach 1905.
(1909) Page(s) 83. Rose Novelties for 1908 ...Climbers...Bordeaux (Soupert & Notting) Bordeaux-wine-red, new colouringa mong ramblers; blooms small, double, long-stalked, in large clusters. Bordeaux is extremely resistant, strongly climbinh and floriferous. Unexcelled as rambler, solitary plant, weeping standard and forcing sort. Descends from 'Crimson Rambler' x 'Blanche Rebatel'. Gold medals Mannheim and Nancy 1907. ...rambling ...M 1.20
(1909) Page(s) 79. 1907. Cécile-Charles (A. Schwartz) whitish salmon-pink, edged carmine, fragrant
(1909) Page(s) 84. 1908. Duchesse Marie de Broglie (Dubreuil) flesh-white, center shaded yellow and incarnate-pink, large, double, upright bloom, finely formed bud. Two Certificates of Merit I. class Lyon 1907. [No longer in 1911 catalogue].
(1909) Page(s) 88. New Roses for 1909. Pernetiana. Entente Cordiale (P. Guillot). Nasturtium-red on golden-yellow base, stamens of same colour, reverse golden-salmon, passing to salmon-carmine on the edges. Long buds, large bloom, double, cup form. Vigorous. Elegant and floriferous.