(Mar 1852) Page(s) 95. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 5. NOISETTE ROSES.-These Roses resemble, somewhat, the Teas in their foliage, but are distinguished by a greater vigor; by their shoots being ordinarily very long; smooth bark, although more thorny, especially in some cases; by their branches being terminated by a cluster of flowers, in some cases very large. EXAMPLES.- Amie Vibert, Lamarque, Ophire, Rose Mille-Ecus, Desprez du Luxembourg, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 94. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 2. HYBRID REMONTANTS OF PORTLAND.- These have thorns, hard and sharp, variable in strength and length; the shoots erect, and their habit similar to that of the Portlands. They have also a lengthened capsule, and give often one to five or seven flowers which form a bouquet erect and stiff at the summit of the branches. The Four Seasons Rose gives a correct idea of their habit and flowering. EXAMPLES.- La Reine, Baron Prevost, Jacques Lafitte, Madam Laffay, Duchesse de Sutherland, Amandine, Louis Bonaparte, Clementine Seringe, Glorie d'Angers, Comte de Montalivet, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.
(1851) Page(s) 127. T., S. & H. have formed a partnership, under the firm of Thorp, Smith, Hanchett. & Co, to take place in May next with Mr. A. Fahnstock, a skillful, practical, and intelligent nurseryman and propagator...By this arrangement, they become joint proprietors with him in the "Augusta" Rose, an acquisition to the floral world which is destined to create a market sensation. It will be sent out in the Spring of 1852.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 95. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 6. BENGAL, OR CHINA ROSES.-The Roses of this section have a smooth bark-the branches generally but little thorny; the leaves more or less elongated and toothed; the flowers disposed in clusters or panicles-the slender shoots never giving but one flower. The capsule is round; the flowers are almost invariably colored, whilst in the Teas, to which these Roses are often related, the flowers are more frequently white or yellow. There are exceptions-Tea Bures, and many others.* The flowers of the Bengal are rarely odorous. EXAMPLES.- Bengal Ordinaire (Daily China), Cramoisie superior (Agrippina), Eugene Hardy, Beau Carmine du Luxembourg, Augustine Hensan, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole. *The exceptions in this case are almost too numerous to allow the distinction to be of much practical value.-ED.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 94. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 2. HYBRID REMONTANTS OF PORTLAND.- These have thorns, hard and sharp, variable in strength and length; the shoots erect, and their habit similar to that of the Portlands. They have also a lengthened capsule, and give often one to five or seven flowers which form a bouquet erect and stiff at the summit of the branches. The Four Seasons Rose gives a correct idea of their habit and flowering. EXAMPLES.- La Reine, Baron Prevost, Jacques Lafitte, Madam Laffay, Duchesse de Sutherland, Amandine, Louis Bonaparte, Clementine Seringe, Glorie d'Angers, Comte de Montalivet, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 95. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 6. BENGAL, OR CHINA ROSES.-The Roses of this section have a smooth bark-the branches generally but little thorny; the leaves more or less elongated and toothed; the flowers disposed in clusters or panicles-the slender shoots never giving but one flower. The capsule is round; the flowers are almost invariably colored, whilst in the Teas, to which these Roses are often related, the flowers are more frequently white or yellow. There are exceptions-Tea Bures, and many others.* The flowers of the Bengal are rarely odorous. EXAMPLES.- Bengal Ordinaire (Daily China), Cramoisie superior (Agrippina), Eugene Hardy, Beau Carmine du Luxembourg, Augustine Hensan, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole. *The exceptions in this case are almost too numerous to allow the distinction to be of much practical value.-ED.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 94. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SECTION 1. PERPETUALS, OR PORTLANDS.- The Roses of this section have the thorns very fine, short, and so numerous as to cover almost entirely the branches, to which they give a brownish tint. They have erect shoots, the flower stalks short and stiff, the flowers generally solitary and ovary; seed capsule somewhat long. EXAMPLES.- Rose du Roi, Duchesse de Rohan, Julie, Krudner, Bernard, La Favorite, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 94-95. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 4. BOURBON ROSES (Rosiers Isle Bourbon).-This section comprises the Roses which have the wood very smooth and glossy, the side shoots often short and then terminated by a single flower; but when a branch is developed vigorously, which often happens in many varieties, it produces a longer side shoot terminated by a cluster of flowers, from three to twelve. The thorns are strong, particularly at the base, scattered, and hooked. The leaves are roundish oval, smooth, and of a deep green. The Roses of this section have the seed capsule round, and the branches developed horizontally for the most part. EXAMPLES.-Queen of the Bourbons, Madam Desprez, Charles Souchet, Paul Joseph, Souvenir de la Malmaison, Souvenir de 4th May, Remond, Mrs. Bosanquet, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 94. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 3. HYBRID REMONTANTS OF THE ISLE OF BOURBON.- The Roses which compose this section appear to hold a middle or intermediate place between the Portland Remontants and the Bourbons, but more frequently present the aspect of the latter. The leaflets are in general strongly dentated (toothed,) but the round form of the seed capsule distinguishes them from the Portland Hybrids. The disposition of the branches-extended in a confused, irregular manner-give them also a particular aspect. EXAMPLES.- Clementine Duval, Comte Bobrinski, Ernestine de Barante, Colonel Foissy, Geant des Batailles, Vicomtesse de Belleval, &c., &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.
(Mar 1852) Page(s) 94. CHARACTER OF THE REMONTANT OR PERPETUAL ROSES.* SEC. 2. HYBRID REMONTANTS OF PORTLAND.- These have thorns, hard and sharp, variable in strength and length; the shoots erect, and their habit similar to that of the Portlands. They have also a lengthened capsule, and give often one to five or seven flowers which form a bouquet erect and stiff at the summit of the branches. The Four Seasons Rose gives a correct idea of their habit and flowering. EXAMPLES.- La Reine, Baron Prevost, Jacques Lafitte, Madam Laffay, Duchesse de Sutherland, Amandine, Louis Bonaparte, Clementine Seringe, Glorie d'Angers, Comte de Montalivet, &c. *CARRIERE, formerly Chief Florist at the Museum, Paris, in the Reveue Horticole.