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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Redoute's Roses (Les Roses)
(May 1998)  Page(s) 160.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa alba cymbaefolia ('Hemp-Leaved White Rose') Description... pure white, petals many-seriate, irregularly notched, those at the centre curled and crumpled... This is only a degeneration of Rosa alba, preserved by the nurseryman Flobert by grafting and presented to the Jardin des Plantes in Paris in 1810 by Le Pelletier as "R. cymbaefolia", the 'Boat-leaved Rose'. Some years ago we managed to obtain seedlings from our own plant and they reverted to R. alba...
(May 1998)  Page(s) 54.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa gallica officinalis ('Common Provins Rose') Description... Flowers semi-double, notable for their size and fine purplish-red... Although a native of Southern France, this rose seems to dislike too warm a site in our gardens. The soil in which it is grown affects the size of the blooms. This is the rose grown principally for use in pharmacy -- from it is made syrup and conserve. No species of rose has produced more numerous descendants than the French or Provins Rose...
(May 1998)  Page(s) 52, 53.  Includes photo(s).
Page 52: Rosa eglanteria punicea ('Austrian Copper', 'Corn Poppy Rose', Rosa Eglanteria var. punicea, Rosier Eglantier var. couleur ponceau) Description...
Page 53: [Illustration]
(May 1998)  Page(s) 148.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa indica multipetala ('Hundred-petalled China Rose') Description... Flowers faintly scented, double, but a little less so than R. centifolia, pink, a little darker pink than in the Common China... petals many-seriate, cordately notched, those at the centre curled and crumpled, scarcely allowing those stamens not converted to petals to be seen; bud bright red before opening; the later blooms, except in very favourable circumstances, rarely open well... Known in the trade as 'Hundred-petalled Bengal', 'Large Bengal', 'Double Bengal' and 'Wavy-leaved Bengal'... susceptible to black spot like all other China Roses...
(May 1998)  Page(s) 150-151.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa indica pannosa ('Velvet China Rose') Description... Flowers purple with paler stripes, cinnamon-scented but only at the time of opening. This is very common in nurseries as the 'Tattered Rose', 'Purple-striped Bengal', 'Velvet Rose' and 'Cinnamon-scented Rose'. It was raised from seed a dozen years ago by Gauché, a gardener-florist of Paris, who introduced it...
(May 1998)  
[section published in 1823] Rosa indica automnalis - Le Bengale d'automne [Rosa chinensis Jacq. variety - obtained from seed in the garden of Dr. Cartier before 1822]
(May 1998)  Page(s) 18, 19.  Includes photo(s).
Page 18: Rosa centifolia bullata ('Bullate Cabbage Rose', Rosier à Feuilles de Laitue') Description... known in gardens as the rose with embossed or blistered foliage, or better as the lettuce-leaved rose... propagated by Dupont... It can only be perpetuaed as a graft, and as such it is delicate and short-lived. In our rose garden at Belleville near Paris we have tried to get it on its own roots by layering, but obtained only sparse bushes with inferior blooms...
Page 19: [Illustration]
(May 1998)  Page(s) 46, 47.  Includes photo(s).
Page 46: Rosa pomponia ('Pompon Rose') Description... Flowers fully double, sweetly scented... petals very many, pink deepening towards the centre of the bloom... This is probably a cultivar derived from either R. centifolia or the Provence rose, with which it has great similarity...
Page 47: [Illustration]
(May 1998)  Page(s) 166-167.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa damascena Celsiana ('Cel's Rose') Description... petals: those at the centre curled and crumpled, soft pink at anthesis but quickly fading to white so that the shrub seems covered in pink and white blooms at the same time... This is dedicated to Jacques-Martin Cels, author of learned discourses on agriculture and other subjects, who first distributed the rose to French gardens, although it had been known much earlier in Harlem and is shown in the paintings of Van Huysum...
(May 1998)  Page(s) 6, 7.  Includes photo(s).
Page 6: Rosa centifolia ('Cabbage Rose', 'Hundred-Petalled Rose', 'Rosier a cent feuilles') Description... numerous pink petals becoming darker towards the centre of the flower... in 1816 Rau stated that it is native to Northern Persia... Many cultivars are know: Miss Lawrence figured 19, and the Dutch catalogues list over 100... To obtain the maximum number of fine blooms, prune the bush in February to keep it dwarf...
Page 7: [Illustration]
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