Roses and Their Cultivation, 6th ed.
(1909) Page(s) 131. ‘Admiral Dewey’. H.T. 1899. Pink, white. Habit: vigorous. Best grown in beds; pots. Medium mode of pruning in March. Good.
(1909) Page(s) 141. Comtesse du Cayla. China. 1902. Red. Or carm. Moderate habit of growth. Best grown in beds. Medium pruning in April (in England). Very free.
(1909) Page(s) 142. Countess Cairns HT. 1904. Cerise carmine. Vigorous. Best grown in beds. Medium mode of pruning in March. Handsome.
(1909) Page(s) 143. 'De la Grifferaie'. Multi. 1845. (Colour): Blush. Extra Vig. For stocks. Little (pruning in) March. Clusters.
(1909) Page(s) 144. ‘Duchess of Sutherland’. H.P. 1839. Colour: Rose. Vigorous. Beds or pils. Med [mode of pruning in] March. Very double.
(1909) Page(s) 150. Friedrichsruh H.T. 1907. Blood red. Vigorous. Beds. Medium [pruning in] April. Large, full.
(1909) Page(s) 152. ‘Gustave Regis’. HT 1890. Nank. Yell. Vigorous. Beds; pots. Med [pruning in ] April. Long buds.
(1909) Page(s) 154. 'Irish Harmony'. H.T. 1904. Pale Cream. Vigorous. Beds. Medium (height),. (prune in) March. Large-flowered.
(1909) Page(s) 157. Lady Ashtown. HT, 1904. Pink. Vigorous. Exhibition, pots, beds. Med [pruning in] March. Autumn rose.
(1909) Page(s) 158. Lady Ursula. H.T. 1908. Fleshy pink. Vigorous. Best grown for Gardens, Exhibition. Medium pruning in April. Fragrant.