HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Culture of the Rose
Discussion id : 122-531
most recent 10 JUL 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUL 20 by Patricia Routley
Below are roses that have not been added to Thomas Johnson’s The Culture of the Rose 1866 catalogue listing on HelpMeFind, either as a reference or an introduction, rather just listing them in the nursery catalogue’s page. With no descriptions or possible mis-spellings, it is difficult to determine just which roses they were.
p28. Angelina Sereg D., a handsome rose [possibly ‘Angelina’ Damask perpetual <1848. purple pink, or ‘Mlle. Angeline de Seringe’ 1852 bright pink HP.]
p29. Josephine. HP bright scarlet, a fine pillar rose. [?’Josephine Guyet’ bourbon 1863]
p30. Louis Napoleon HP deep rose
p30. Madame Marshall. HP Fawn, beautifully cupped.
p31. Tris Coloris Moss. Pale rose, vigorous grower, fine bloomer. [possibly ‘Variegata’ 1818 and this was introduced by Giles later in 1881]
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